Top 10 Unsettling Signs Of Parallel Universes Throughout History That Can't Be Ignored

 up at our number 10 spot we have Cosmic  inflation the first half of this list is  going to be some scientific explanations  for parallel universes but don't worry  the science won't get that complicated  because then I wouldn't be able to  understand it either first let's start  off by talking about the theory of  Eternal inflation this is the idea that  ever since the Big Bang the universe has  been rapidly expanding or inflating and  different parts of the universe have  been inflating at different rates this  means that there are some sections of  the universe that haven't really  connected up with the rest yet creating  a sort of bubble Universe while our own  Universe has inflated enough to breed  galaxies and stars and and physics and  Science and whatever else these other  bubble universes are still in the  process of creation they have the  potential to be the exact same two hours  or completely different from ours or  maybe there is a you in one bubble  universe that didn't get get that bad  haircut that you still really regret  one time my mom cut my hair like Marilyn  Monroe it was brutal  but our number nine spot we have  mathematical constants  similar to that theory is the fact that  everything in our known universe can be  explained with mathematical equations  think the Pythagorean theorem scientists  know that the structure of our universe  can be broken down into our mathematical  structure math that is as they call it  without human baggage they believe that  because of this it is entirely possible  to hypothesize that there are other  universes out there that are based  around different mathematical structures  each Universe having their own laws and  rules based off of the structure so  infinite mathematical structures means  infinite universes some being just  slightly different and some being  totally completely different coming up Japanese urban legends in our number eight spot we have  backwards Universe two years ago in 2020  NASA discovered what they believe is  evidence of a parallel universe one that  is more than a little bit different to  ours their team called Antarctic  impulsive transient antenna or Anita had  been working on an experiment in of  course Antarctica for a few years a  so-called cosmic ray detection  experiment reportedly found particles  that seemed to come from Another  Universe one that was also created when  the Big Bang took place while this  evidence alone is pretty astounding they  also discovered that the particles  appear to be moving in Reverse leading  them to believe that they had found  evidence of a parallel universe where  time moves backwards while parallel  universes are often just the work of  Science Fiction and movies we may be  closer to finding the truth of the  situation than we originally thought in  our number seven spot today we have  observable universe  let's talk about what scientists believe  about the shape of space in your head  maybe you imagine a big sphere or even  some sort of donut but most likely it's  actually flat and it stretches out  infinitely like forever never ending and  if it goes on forever then at some point  it has to start repeating because there  is a finite number of ways that  particles can be arranged within space  and time so if you looked far enough you  would eventually find another version of  you maybe wearing a different shirt or  eating something different for breakfast  maybe a version of you that didn't watch  this far in the video but hey we like  this version of you better anyways  unfortunately it would be pretty hard to  actually see this far down the universe  because our observable universe only  extends 13.7 billion light years this  being the amount of time light has had  to travel since the Big Bang so you can  consider the space beyond our observable  universe to be its own sort of separate  Universe one that we just can't see yet  and probably won't for a long time if  ever in our number six spot we have time  travel think about time travel for a  second maybe you thought of Back to the  Future the concept of this movie is that  if you go back in time and change one  small thing it can completely alter the  future some scientists believe that time  travel is a definite possibility in our  future so if it is why haven't we seen  anybody come back yet and have they been  screwing around and messing things up  well it's theorized that due to the way  they would alter the universe when time  travelers go back in time they actually  create their own separate Universe where  things change a parallel universe that  works to include them in it that would  explain why we have never seen any real  evidence of Time Travelers coming back  to our current time or even any point in  the past because they did not travel  back in time in our universe but instead  to their own unique one am I melting  your brain yet let's move on to some  simpler stuff in our number five spot we  have different life for the second half  of our list we are going to be stepping  away from science and taking a look at  some people's stories of their  experiences with glitches in The Matrix  that may lend evidence to their being  parallel or multiple universes one day A  man was in his house when he became  overcome with the urge to go outside and  stand on his lawn for a moment he said  he had the clearest feeling ever before  he felt a slight wobble and everything  began feeling slightly distorted when it  was over and he turned to go back inside  he saw his car in the driveway the same  make and model but a different colored  car but that wasn't the only thing that  was different when he saw his wife he  said that she definitely looked like his  wife but he just had this feeling that  she was different he also started having  memories that weren't his and seeing  buildings that you know there was no way  he could have never noticed in his time  living there entire departments from his  work no longer existing is it possible  this man jumped to a parallel universe  where his life was only slightly  different  maybe in our number four spot we have  wrong memory this one is a story of a  false memory seeming like an intense  version of the Mandela effect the  Mandela effect being when a large group  of people all share a false memory of  something which we mentioned in detail  on the previous list this person says  that they vividly remember someone they  know dying in a car accident texting and  driving and going off an exit ramp that  was still under construction they  remember themselves and their family and  friends attending the funeral and  everyone in their small town talking  about it for weeks skip to 10 years  later even the person's fiance knew  about it and knew the person's name  because of how many times they had told  the story one day their fiance is  looking at their sister's Facebook page  and says hey isn't that the girl who  died the person came over to look and it  turns out that it was apparently also no  one in the town after this incident had  any memory of the All Urban Legend car accident or the  funeral that took place afterwards so  did this person potentially have a  memory from a parallel universe where  the accident had taken place it's  possible coming up in our number three  spot we have disembodied voice people  who believe strongly in multiverses and  parallel universes usually believe that  there are some places and occasions  where the gaps between our universes are  thinner and it is easier for things to  cross over or for the universes to  communicate with each other this story  seems like one of those moments where  the barrier was thin when this person  was around the age of 10 they were going  to the beach with their aunt and friends  when they were divided between two  different cars one of the cars didn't  know the directions so they were  following behind the other car when  suddenly it took a sharp turn and they  had to follow and do the same going  around a very sharp Bend suddenly they  all heard a very loud clear voice in the  car saying sharp bend the driver of the  car hit the brakes as they all looked at  each other confused confirm warming  there was no one else in the car that  had said that there wasn't even anyone  close by outside the car who could have  said it so maybe it was someone managing  to speak through the thin barrier  between the universes or was it a ghost  you decide in our number two spot we  have the motorcycle crash sometimes  people experience situations where the  impossible seems to happen and maybe it  is impossible but only in our current  Universe this person told their story of  a death-defying crash six years ago they  were riding through town on a motorcycle  going about 45 miles per hour suddenly a  woman who hadn't seen them turned left  out in front of them and despite the  short amount of time they remembered  thinking about their options whether  they should go over or under the car  they laid the bike down and slid  underneath the car diagonally they slid  across the pavement no helmet no jacket  just jeans and a hoodie they slid about  80 feet before they stopped and were  then able to stand up no injuries except  a hole in their sweater their bike  having been completely mangled and torn  apart they knew that there was no way  that they should have survived the crash  but somehow they did a potential glitch  in The Matrix of the universe possibly  in our number one spot we have takeout  have you ever heard of Schrodinger's cat  me neither the idea that if you put a  cat inside a box with a bottle of poison  the cat is in a state of being both  living and dead until you open the box  and find out well it turns out that you  know the food you ordered last night  your takeout is also in a state of being  your order and not your order until you  open it up and find out a man and his  friend went to a Chinese restaurant  where they ordered a chicken dinner and  a shrimp dinner when they received their  boxes and opened them both they realized  that they had received two shrimp  dinners no big deal just a mix-up so  they closed the boxes and get ready to  go ask for a replacement but before they  do the friend opens the first box again  and instead of the shrimp dinner they  had clearly seen before it was now a  chicken dinner what they had originally  ordered they knew what they had both  clearly seen was it possible that for  few seconds they had received their  lunch from a parallel universe where  they had ordered something else  maybe in our number 10 spot we have the  renovated floor in one of the Reddit  threads a guy explained how once when he  was younger he and his friend were at  Portland University and the specific  building they were in had only a few  floors at the time the building was  undergoing some new changes the walls  were newly painted new rugs and some of  the floors were still undergoing these  changes they had a meeting on the third  floor so they got into the elevator and  went to the third floor they were not  prepared for what they saw though the  entire floor was so dark the door to  their meeting room was locked and there  were no people in sight they looked out  the window to outside and there was  nobody around it was completely deserted  even though five minutes prior it was  busy outside they looked at the stairs  and everything was old perhaps straight  out of the 70s and nothing had been  renovated unlike what they had  previously seen you know five minutes  ago they went back into the elevator to  the second floor where there was so much  hustle and bustle and their teacher  confirmed that their meeting was indeed  on the third floor they decided to take  the stairs which again they saw were  actually renovated and when they got to  the third floor everything was the same  except the floor had been renovated and  there were tons of people the boys are  still convinced that they jumped through  time and I'm with them definitely seems  that way in our number nine spot we have  the show there is a thread where a  woman's son explains an experience that  she had that she can't explain she takes  the train to work every day and every  day she sees a man that almost misses  the train one day he's running for the  train and gets on in the last second and  shoves her quite forcefully the woman is  shocked by this and gives him a dirty  look as he never apologized the man next  to her asked her if she was all right  she said yeah and proceeded to turn  around to find the man to give him a  piece of her mind but he wasn't there he  wasn't anywhere in sight she turned to  the man beside her and said said he got  away quite quickly and the man beside  her looked confused he had no idea what  she was talking about she explained to  him that she was referring to the person  that had just shoved her and that only  seconds ago he asked her if she was  alright the man had no recollection of  asking her this or seeing her being  shoved either she stepped into another  parallel universe or something's gone  wrong with her mentally hopefully it was  a parallel universe slip in our number 8  spot we have the energy Loop this threat  had me buzzing as some of the ideas  presented truly can make you feel like a  kid again looking up into the stars and  wondering what the heck is life what is  it there is a thread where someone goes  into a concept called  Eternal returns a user stated quote the  concept of Eternal returns states that  the entire universe as its whole will  repeat and loop itself forever in the  exact same identical way forever from  its start to its end history litter  really repeats itself from The Big Bang  to the universe's final collapse the  concept is apparently from Indian  philosophy and can also be found thought  about in ancient Egypt and eventually it  was adapted by the pythagoreans and the  stoics the idea that the Universe  repeats itself would perhaps mean that  then there are no parallel universes but  honestly it's very confusing and I'm  unsure it's definitely something I'm  going to have to mull over as I drink my  evening tea tonight in our number 7 spot  we have infinite realities another  thread went deeper into the concept of  infinite realities and one user in  particular had me thinking that it's  very possible that parallel universes  exist If This Were to be true he said we  are all the same Consciousness split  into Infinite independent pieces  experiencing every infinite slice of  reality independently as every living  thing in every Dimension at the same  time when you screw someone over or  wrong someone you are actually going to  have have to experience the other side  of it as well every killer has had to  live the life of his victim Etc because  we are all the same Consciousness  ultimately Diane I love this take on  Karma as if it's just inevitable as  opposed to a punishment this definitely  aligns with the concept also of Yin and  Yang and makes the most sense to me in  our number six spot we have the glass of  water there is a Reddit thread where a  guy explains that he is very particular  about his mornings he does the same  thing he gets up grabs a glass and fills  it with water and then pours some cereal  and watches Netflix in bed he definitely  gives me Sheldon vibes from The Big Bang  Theory I bet you he has a seat that no  one's allowed to sit in and I bet you no  one can touch his food either otherwise  he won't eat it on second thought that's  probably a good practice to have as we  just got over a pandemic anyways this  was a regular morning he had a sip of  his water put it on his nightstand and  started eating his breakfast in bed  while watching Netflix anyways he was  eating away when he got thirsty and went  to have a sip of water when his cup was  gone he was very confused as he got up  and went to the kitchen and found his  cup in the cupboard he believed that he  slipped into another dimension where  grabbing water in the morning isn't a  part of his routine and a lot of people  seem to be here for it do you think he  slipped into another dimension let us  know in the comments section Below in  our number five spot we have the John  Teeter thread alright if you clicked on  this video then I'm sure at this point  you have heard all about John Teeter  John Teeter is a supposed time traveler  from the year 2036 that came to the  early 2000s for personal reasons he said  and engaged in a blog thread online  people have debated his authenticity for  many many moons now with some  predictions that seemingly have come  true and some that did not but one  Reddit user commented something notable  that I wanted to share he said please  keep an open mind John Teeter stated  that traveling through time doesn't mean  traveling linearly but to travel you  must switch into another Universe in  which the time was set either in the  past or future John also mentioned that  he could have already changed up the  timeline just by being there and things  would change either way that would  definitely explain a couple of the wars  that he said would happen that haven't  yet like the Civil War of 2015. there  definitely has been civil unrest and  distrust in society so much recently  that I wouldn't be surprised if that was  a part of our timeline very soon but you  know maybe just a little delay hopefully  not you never know in our number four  spot we have the Macarena yes the  Macarena that Infamous 90s dance that  almost everyone in the world knows that  was born pre 2000 I can't speak for  anyone after that they have so many Tick  Tock dances in their head that they may  not have room for this one a Reddit  threat unveiled a very peculiar thing  apparently if you view the original  music video for the Macarena you would  see that a few dance moves are missing  and we're never there the thread went  deep into where the heck did these extra  moves come from if they were never there  how did literally everyone from around  the world learn some extra moves if the  music video did not showcase them this  one is super freaky to me as I play back  all the times I have done the Macarena  at weddings and school dances and  parties and it was always done with the  extra arm movements  where did they come from probably  another universe and our number three  spot we have the sweater this Reddit  user spoke about how she was getting  ready one morning and grabbed her  favorite blue sweater and put it on her  dining room chair as she was grabbing a  few of her things to take her dog for a  walk she went back to the chair to grab  her sweater when it was gone she felt  you know confused she just had it and  put it on her chair where is it she  walked around the house trying to find  it she went to the laundry room to see  if she accidentally threw it in the  laundry nothing she went to the washroom  the living room she walked back into her  room and nothing the sweater was not  there she went to all of the rooms two  more times and still nothing the sweater  just disappeared she's convinced that it  got sucked into another dimension or  experienced a time slip and honestly I  don't blame her either that or some  ghosts are playing a trick on her in our  number two spot we have the dimension  thread okay not going to lie This Thread  you know really pulled me in I had to  read it slowly because the ideas  presented in it are so hard to Grass as  they are just not our current reality  and it takes a minute to really  understand the concept of there being  other dimensions you know bigger than  that but what is explained is that there  are in fact 10 dimensions in total and  each one gets more trippier to  understand but through Googling this and  learning about all 10 of the possible  Dimensions you may see how it makes  sense that parallel universes exist one  commenter said I am starting to believe  time really is an illusion and our past  present and future exists at the same  time but we only experience it linearly  so it's like we can only be on one place  on the timeline at any given moment even  though the rest exists elsewhere another  reader commented that's called  experiencing this reality from a third  dimensional perspective yeah this convo  definitely had me confused but it sounds  like it could make sense for our  realities to exist at the same time I  definitely need to think this one  through more but very interesting in our  number one spot we have the man from  Torrid of course there are so so many  threads about the infamous man from  Torrid there are also more people that  have apparently popped up out of nowhere  in this world but the man from Torrid is  the most popular story and you know my  personal favorite if you haven't heard  this story before essentially one day A  man was traveling to Japan in July of  1954 and when he was going through  customs in the Tokyo Airport the  security wouldn't let him through as he  had a passport from a country that did  not exist the man insisted that the  country did exist in that it was called  Torrid and it had existed for thousands  of years he pointed to the map where a  country called Andorra exists now and  insisted that his country is called  horid but it is in the place where  Andorra lies now he was detained for a  night in a hotel while the police  investigated this case but when they  arrived the next day to the man's hotel  room the man was gone he had completely  vanished some say he went through a time  slip and some say that is probably just  an old urban legend but as there are  many stories like this that have popped  up over the last while a lot of people  believe this story to be evidence of a  parallel Dimension we'd love to know  what you think in the comments section  below number 10 the London Hammer many  times in history people have found  objects that they think could be  evidence of a parallel universe  intersecting with our own those thoughts  were raised again when in 1936 a hammer  was found in London Texas while on a  walk a couple found a hammer that looked  like ones that have been used in the  late 1800s so cool they found an old  Hammer well there's actually much more  to it the hammer had not rusted at all  and still hasn't since it's been found  and it was also found encased in rock  that dated back to the Cretaceous Period  for those of you who don't know that's  around 100 million years ago this is  obviously weird because most people  agree that humans only started popping  up around 200 000 years ago so how could  this Hammer have come to exist some  people believe that is the remnant of a  parallel universe where humans developed  long before they did on our Earth or  that it had potentially traveled back in  time if you live in Texas and want to  check out this Infamous hammer for  yourself you can find it at Carl beau's  creation evidence Museum in Glen Rose  Texas number nine black holes the  existence of black holes is one of the  greatest yet unexplained wonders of our  universe the first picture of a black  hole only having been taken back in  2019. so how are they evidence of  parallel universes well let's get into  some science here black holes are so  hard to study because everything we've  send out there to try and get  information is never seen again people  assuming that it's destroyed upon  entering the hole but Stephen Hawking  said that whatever enters a black hole  does come out but it comes out in  Another Universe because of the law of  conservation of mass even if something  is destroyed evidence of its presence  would still be able to be seen they  would be visible in hairline like images  that Trace its path into the black hole  but Stephen Hawking noticed that  evidence showed these hairs were not  present meaning the item has completely  disappeared from our universe and I'm  really hoping this is making sense  Stephen Hawking says that this is good  evidence that they have been transported  to another Universe saying black holes  are not the Eternal prisons that we once  thought number eight Cloud City in  October of 2015 Chinese citizens were  shocked by what appeared to be a  floating city within the sky multiple  people taking photos and videos of the  cityscape that seem to loom above them  within the clouds the shape was far too  specific to brush it off as being  anything man-made and look to clearly be  a cloud city people were left wondering  what it could be and theories popped up  of parallel universes or even secret  holographic technology there was no time  to answer these questions or speculate  if it had even happened at all as the  exact same thing took place again in  China in March of the following one year  more photos and videos popping up again  of the incident many people believe that  this supposed City in the sky is  evidence of Another Universe crossing  over into our own feel free to take a  look at the pictures for yourself and  make your own decision number seven deja  vu have you ever been walking down the  street and gotten the sudden feeling  like you've done that before even though  you haven't this is a phenomenon that is  known as Deja Vu or already seen as of  yet there is no real scientific  explanation for why people all over the  world experience these feelings and  there are theories that range from  memory problems to glitches in The  Matrix people who believe that Deja Vu  is evidence of parallel universes  describe it like this think of a radio  where you can only hear one frequency at  a time the parallel universes beside us  are at different frequencies however  it's possible that for one small moment  the universes might vibrate at the same  frequency and become in sync since  parallel universes are all supposedly  just slightly different when these  in-sync moments happen and you believe  that you've already had this  conversation before it's possible that  you feel that way because you did just  in a parallel universe number six the  double slit experiment okay this one is  very sciencey so bear with me the double  slit experiment was performed in the  1920s and seemed to offer convincing  evidence of potential multiple parallel  realities the theory proposes that if  tennis balls were fired at a wall  through a single slit then the marks on  the wall would line up with the slit so  if you created two slits it would create  two lines on the wall and if you fired  waves through the wall they would go  through the splits but still continue to  spread out and leave multiple lines on  the wall and electrons should  theoretically act in the same way that  tennis balls do but they didn't they  also made multiple lines as though they  had been interacting with each other in  the way that the waves did but even when  fired one at a time it still made two  sets of waves for this to happen it  would mean that each electron somehow  managed to travel through both slits  when they tried to film the electrons  they instead went back to just forming  two lines like tennis balls so this  suggests that while parallel universes  may be interacting with our own we just  don't have the technology to see it  number five the Blue Rock alright after  that let's go to something way more  simple in fact let's go to something as  simple as a rock in 1990 in Sierra Leone  West Africa an archaeologist found a  puzzling bright blue stone when it was  sent for studies it was found that it  was not similar to anything that could  be found on Earth and it was determined  that it was not from this planet at all  one person who once held the stone said  it was perplexing and I had no idea what  I was looking at and I had no point of  reference to compare it to anything else  I had previously seen or handled before  parts of this Stone have come into the  possession of many collectors over the  years and it is incredibly highly valued  likely because many people believe that  similarly to the London Hammer this is  an artifact that has traveled to our own  Earth from a parallel universe now 3.  the cold spot alright back to science  once again when the Big Bang created our  universe the wavelengths of light  expanded changing the color and  temperature of the universe to what we  now perceive as black creating the  cosmic microwave background which Maps  the creation of our universe according  to the Big Bang while scientists were  studying this background they discovered  what they referred to as the cold spots  being the size of 1.8 billion light  years while also being colder it  apparently also contains 20 percent less  matter than it should so how could they  possibly explain the existence of this  cold spot and why it is the way that it  is well experts believe that this is  evidence of a parallel universe having  crashed into hours through quantum  entanglement impact forcing energy out  of the area and leaving behind the cold  spot number two the Hadron Collider  researchers at the super collider in  Switzerland started researching in 2015  hoping to find evidence of alternate  universes they have done various  different tests trying to find these  parallel universes that would not exist  in the visible three dimensions of our  own universe but instead be made up of  Dimensions that we cannot perceive one  scientist theorized that the Hadron  Collider could reveal particles that  could only exist in these other  dimensions and being able to see them  would give us almost undeniable evidence  of the existence of parallel universes  in line with our own she said that these  particles would have the exact same  properties of particles in our own  universe but would have greater mass all  of this is still theoretical right now  but plenty of theoretical things from  the past have been discovered and made  reality so it may not be long kicking  off the list at number 10 Katie rocks  you ever hop in the shower first thing  in the morning and it feels like literal  Paradise otherworldly some would say  well a new tick tock trend has me  meditating in the shower now apparently  here we go Tick-Tock users left right  and Center are stepping forward or  rather backwards with their claims on  entering parallel universes Nashville  model Katie rocks recently kicked this  off and she used the social media  platform to recall a 2017 trip to Paris  that some of her classmates claimed  missed the flight although Katie saw  them with her own eyes I remember  walking on that aircraft past two of my  friends and sitting like three rows  behind them then the four of us took a  taxi back to the apartments we were  staying in while we were in school and I  distinctly remember this two days later  they're talking about how they weren't  three rows in front of us and to this  day I have no idea why they remembered  missing the flight that's way too close  to the plot of Final Destination  honestly this creeps me out just reading  about it I can't even begin to unravel  this one no way the same user Katie  rocks posted again a month later this  time saying she's since discovered the  ability to shift realities showers hot  showers are the key apparently I would  have guessed bats but showers are cool  too we'll we'll take those number nine a  familiar face username high life no  Miller Lite posted this one a couple  months back on Reddit great name also  gotta gotta say that's a really good  name it's since got a lot of attention  let me know what you think they say I'm  from a very dry hot state in the U.S and  I was visiting California on a trip with  my wife while out eating we both  witnessed a person that looked exactly  like me same typical mid fade and head  dents inherited from my father same body  type only chubby rather than my more  slim and athletic frame I saw the side  profile from the back as they walked  away from View and it was my exact face  that's so creepy my wife had a direct  view but could not remember directly  what my face looked like but she noted  similarities from my body to head and  even the way that I walked I couldn't  believe what we saw any thoughts  question mark I mean if you didn't  mention the head dents and got that  specific this wouldn't have stuck with  me like it did I also love the subtle  roast on the other you you're like yeah  this guy was just like me only you know  not ripped otherwise that's quite creepy  thanks for sharing number eight Quantum  Leap so yeah I went down that rabbit  hole I talked about and I discovered  another Tick Tock how fun we love these  awesome this Quantum Leap was obtained  by Marion valenza she took to the social  media platform to implore others to take  the leap you know no more manifestation  Mondays the key to these Quantum leaps  is a hot shower yeah a hot shower how  convenient is that thank God it doesn't  suck you know thank God it's not a cold  ice bath or else no one would know  valenza explains the first rule here  number one is that you want to give  yourself enough time because you don't  want to rush this obviously you want to  do this with intentionality she says  yeah sorry I'm late boss I don't want to  rush my hot Quantum shower you know how  it is he's like oh yeah classic next  step is to literally visualize the water  cleansing you so that it removes all  your limiting beliefs the negative  thoughts that you have all the things  holding you back from stepping into your  higher self visualize not currently  being late for work and then there you  go you're set I'm gonna try this  tomorrow morning I'm just gonna have a  hot Quantum shower and arrive at 10 15.  number seven sleep Street this one comes  from username oopsies it's like oopsies  but with a bit more oh reoccurring  dreams have never been so haunting for  God it's a dark list here we go ever  since I was a teenager I've dreamed  about an alternate life where I go to  university and work in a city that I've  never been in it started around when I  was 16 or 17 and now I'm 25. it's super  detailed where I go on Hikes I hang out  with friends I biked through  neighborhoods and do mundane everyday  life things the university is outside of  a major city and I'm always exploring  nature beaches Islands All That Jazz  last night I was feeling sick and in  return had one of the most vivid dreams  I've had in a long time I met someone  and developed a deep relationship that  felt incredibly emotional and real  luckily I woke up right when I was  trying to navigate Google Maps to drive  to a park so I remember the streets that  we were on the street was called Dutch  Island Road never heard of it in real  life so I decided to look it up the only  thing that popped up was a rural area in  Rhode Island it wasn't exactly the same  layout of the roads I remember on the  map but the nature and area looked  eerily similar to what I saw while  driving I started looking around the  area clicking different locations and I  start to freak out on how everything  looks just like in my dream mind you  I've never been to Rhode Island but the  weirdest part is that specific buildings  in the Rhode Island University and  Warwick area once those are the same  ones that I saw in my dream all the time  I've always thought that my dreams are a  glimpse of living an alternate universe  and I feel like this detail solidifies  the potentiality of it being a reality  thoughts uh too many big words those are  my thoughts potentiality potential  geology I'm gonna start using that in  the next list you'll hear that from me  in the future for sure otherwise so  scary hope that goes away or doesn't I  don't know do you like it I would I  wouldn't like that if I dreamed about an  alternate life I'm like yeah I actually  have two jobs it's exhausting I never  sleep number six Good Times dad times  coming from Reddit user apprehensive  humor 55 they say when I was young from  the ages of around three to ten I was  truly convinced I'd already lived a full  life I remember being around 40 years  old with a wife and three kids two boys  and a girl then one day I just woke up  as a child and my past was all just a  big blur with random memories that would  come to me here or there I'm smiling  because this is funny but like it's so  scary this is my biggest fear I think in  life it made no sense my parents said  that I used to tell stories about when I  was a dad and they would just laugh it  off and be like oh that's your  imagination obviously but deep down I  genuinely did have these strange  memories of a past life for instance  when I was four years old my family went  to Disney World and the whole car ride  down I was telling stories about when I  was a dad and I went to Disney World  just a kid in the backseat with milk  like oh yeah these roads still haven't  fix them the weirdest thing is that we  got to Disney World I knew that I'd  already been there before I knew where  everything in the park was and was  essentially showing my family everything  at that time my family just thought it  was weird that I knew where everything  was but at the time in my head it all  made sense to me I just knew where all  the rides were because of when I was a  dad after a while I stopped telling  these stories of when I was a dad  because my siblings would always make  fun of me for it I'm not laughing at you  I'm laughing this is my worst I'm  laughing at you a little bit it's just  crazy eventually it just started going  on with my life and haven't thought  about much of it since although I wish I  did because the Memories Back Then were  much more Vivid and real than how they  are now he's gonna be so confusing 30  years to his kids he's like ah when I  was a dad for the first time Disney was  way less busy kids are like first time  what other family what are you talking  about why is Mom crying that's so scary  um I buy into this I don't know the  afterlife maybe that past dad died and  then you were reborn I don't know that's  scary I don't think of it number five  spirit animal do you believe in spirit  animals I kind of do I want to at least  ever since I watched Harry Potter I  always wanted a patron this might would  be a frog for sure it'd be like a little  little lanky frog wouldn't be cool at  all this next one makes me want to  believe coming from user less cold they  say about 30 years ago I was a young  college student heading back to college  after break had an overnight bus I was  about 19 didn't drink or anything had no  history of mental illness and was  reading a book when seamlessly I wasn't  in the bus anymore I was now swimming  around a rock formation which I knew was  part of my hunting territory and was  chasing a fish which I then caught in my  mouth and could feel the bones crushing  between my teeth and it wriggling  against my whiskers that's how they  posted it no in between they're just  like yeah I was reading a book and all  of a sudden I'm a fish I was totally at  ease I was fast and agile and I could  feel the drag of the water like you know  the pull of the current question mark I  like how they included that mansplaining  the current of the water they're like I  being a fish know this but do you know  about this I'm like yeah we know about  currents man I'll continue as I moved  effortlessly through it I knew my body  and where I was going and what I was  doing and there was no alarm whatsoever  that anything was amiss you know I  didn't realize that I was really a 19  year old on a bus the whole experience  couldn't lasted longer than 30 seconds  or so and then just as seamlessly as I  once was there I was then again back on  the bus I remember sitting there for a  second staring at the page of my book  before you know having a WTF just  happened reaction kicked in and then it  had a bit of a mental freak out then a  few years later I saw a documentary  about sea otters and I knew then that  that's what I had been for that brief  moment in time I knew it's impossible  but it happened to me and surely I can't  be the only one I don't know man I've  never been a sea otter before Chris have  you been a sea otter you don't think so  you don't think you never know never say  never though has anybody ever heard of  something like this or have has it  happened to you have you been reading a  book then all of a sudden you're a sea  otter eating a fish with whiskers if so  sound off down below sea otters are just  smacking the keyboard they're like oh  help me switch back number four  switching universes coming from mulk's  23 this one is so specific that it may  very well just be real honestly I'm a  little convinced I've been wanting to  share this for some time now a few  months ago one morning I believe when I  woke up I did so to a different Universe  similar to ours but different in some  aspects before I went to sleep the night  before I kept my Surface tablet on my  nightstand and it was absolutely fine  the next day when I opened it though I  could see a large crack across the top  there's nothing repeat nothing that  could have caused the crack I was  disappointed of course the tablet's new  but I didn't think much of it however  over the course of the following days I  noticed some things slash events are  significantly different than how I  remember them to be an actress that I  know was married to a gangster is  happily not married to a businessman a  different actress married said gangster  a name that I would have definitely  known I'm from India and I settled in  U.S and this is a Bollywood actress in  question a series that was being  released on Amazon Prime is now on  Netflix question mark yeah that happens  all the time I'm still asking those  questions myself watching Harry Potter  and like three different platforms like  what's going on the movie morbius I've  seen this movie I thought they must have  remade this or something but nope it was  a new movie a few other things as well  but those I can attribute to misplaced  memories not the above though also I  definitely did not hit my head or  anything which could have caused me to  remember things differently I mean after  all that I got asked how is morbius it  doesn't look that bad honestly I hope  Spider-Man's in it thanks for sharing  Wilkes 23 hopefully you're in the right  Universe number three Cosmic commute  this one has me stumped folks not gonna  lie username icy flame to you says in  January I left my friend's home at  almost midnight I live not even 10  minutes north of her I remember getting  in my car and then boom I'm pulled over  by the police it's 2 10 a.m now and I'm  one hour north of her close to crossing  state lines in a city I have never been  to I don't even know how to get out  there and what freeways I took as we are  not really close to any freeways how did  I get there and what happened to a whole  extra hour when I returned home I was  having such anxiety from it all that I  was throwing up and everything we just  don't understand what happened the  comments were supportive here some  suggest to look into epilepsy but the op  responded right after saying that they  did and luckily that wasn't the case so  what do you guys think it is comment  down below I think definitely a Time  leap that's pretty crazy number two dog  treats and universe leaps anything  involving dogs I buy into it I mean who  would lie about dogs for attention right  only psychos I guess username me man  42069 says when I was getting ready to  go to my brother's house I packed some  stuff for my dog since he was coming I  put my dog's toys leash two dog shirts  and treats I packed them all up and when  I got to my brother's house I was  looking for my dog's treats and my dog's  treats were not there I vividly remember  putting my dog's treats in a bag and the  weird thing was when I got home his  treats were in the exact spots that I  picked it up from and it didn't fall out  of the bag and somebody didn't put it  back because I live alone so I was  thinking maybe I slipped into a parallel  universe where I didn't pack my dog  treats I've been weirded out by it for  the past year and I've been trying to  come up with a better reason I mean that  sounds alarming 100 but panicking about  anything that involves dog treats it's  just hilarious to me sorry yeah I hope  you figure out your problem but more  importantly I hope your dog doesn't get  stiffed on treats again and finally  number one 2016 again this one caught my  attention caught it real real bad posted  five days ago by user silence B silence  they say the universe is currently  shifting and it has been the past few  days the last time a change took place  like this was November 2016-ish some of  you already know this I'm sure you felt  it in the air over the past week like I  have it feels positive I hope it is  first comment has tons of upvotes here  and it says your ears ringing real bad  too question mark this is insane because  my ears have been ringing a lot in the  past month imagine it to Olivia swear to  God are your ears ringing



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